Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Testing the Mobius Action Camera mounted on the trike.

I bought a Mobius Action Camera to record bike rides.  It's small, takes memory cards that will hold something like 8 hours of video, and relatively inexpensive ($89 compared to GoPro $200+++).

Mobius Action Camera
There are a couple of choices for mounting:

  • Helmet - Positives: the camera sees what I see.  Negatives: Head motion while riding means the video jumps around a fair bit.
  • Chest/shoulder - Positives: The camera is on me.  If I get off the bike and move about the camera follows along.  Negatives: video jumps.  Less than helmet mount but still a bit.
  • Bike - Positives: No jumping videos.  Negatives: only sees to the front.
For the moment I'm exploring the bike mount with a view to purchasing a second camera for the "what I see" shots.

I tried mounting the camera on the steering arm.  It works well enough but my legs and feet dominate the image.  Not good.

I've mounted a PVC pole to the trike and mounted the camera on the pole like this:

Here is a video from this arrangement:

On the whole this seems to work reasonably well but I'll need to make the following changes:

  • raise the camera a bit to reduce the helmet presence
  • damp the camera mount a bit to reduce the ripple/jello vibration in the video
  • shield the audio to reduce wind noise

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